Monday, March 30, 2009

30-03-09 (Monday) "Beehives

I was rather frustrated last night because of Mathematica. Managed to clear some stuff up at drop-in tutorials today. Its just amazing how God makes everything fall in place if I trust in Him. :)

Anyway... Mathematics. This simple yet hard-to-define fact about bees has got me even more amazed by God's awesomeness. ("There is no charge for awesomeness.. or attractiveness" ~ Po).

I'm typing this off my Maths tutorial worksheet.

"In a beehive, each cell is a regular hexagonal prism, open at one end with a trihedral angle at the other end as seen below. It is believed that bees form their cells in such a way as to minimise the surface area for a given volume, thus using the least amount of wax in cell construction.


Note: Actual measurements of the angle in beehives have been made, and the measures of these angles seldom differ from the calculated value by more than 2 deg."

If you don't call that amazingness from God, I dunno what to say.

Bees don't do "SA =6as + 6sh". Hmmm... Or maybe they calculated it before they evolved from humans into bees...?

Kar Wei's friend's blog has quite some nice posts. Congratulations on joining the family, Kar Wei! =)

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