Monday, October 30, 2006

30-10-06 The closer you are...

... The harder it is to part. Closing in on graduation from sec school has made me involuntarily start thinking about life after sec school...

Sec school has been much about the friends. It's the essence of it, IMHO... Through these 5 years, I've come across many sorts of friends...
Close ones...

Group friends...

Friends who just bring joy...

Cute friends...

Friends who're willing to follow you around JUST TO accompany you, even if it's just the toilet...

... And friends who give you a lift when you're down...

It seems that animals DO resemble humans a lot, doesn't it?

It's very much for sure that we're going to go our separate ways with our friends, ain't it? After these few years together, it's not easy just to break off like this.

I wish we would be allowed to bring along our friends as we go through life. The funny, good thing about this bad thing is that... We get to make NEW friends that stick with us through different phases of life. Our family members stay the same but our friends... THEY keep changing together with us. Once again, God demonstrates His love and amazing will through the people around us...!!


Kah Ying said...

Going separate ways doesn't mean breaking off with them.. With technology nowadays, it's not that hard to keep in touch with them compared to the old days so yeah, as long as you still keep in touch with them, you would feel as if they're still around you..

jtkl89 said...

yea but we still wont b wif them in person, rite? tat's the thing la...