Thursday, October 19, 2006

19-10-06 I'm ill!!

How can this be? I'm supposed to be HEALTHY!! I guess I can blame it on this week's worth of all studies and no basketball. Apparently, exercising is... well, WAS what was keeping me healthy all this while.

I started from the runny nose, moved on to the runny nose with yellowish-mucusy stuff and now I've advanced to coughing WITH the yellowish-mucusy stuff from my MOUTH... What's next? Earwax flying out of my ears? :P

Last day of exam tomorrow. Can't wait!!


Kah Ying said...

lol I had a runny nose today too but I didn't produce any yellowish-mucusy stuff la.. haha.. Probably the haze..

jtkl89 said...

BUT THERE'S NO HAZE ANYMORE!!! Can't blame it on it la... heheh...

Kah Ying said...

Still got eh? I still can see blury view early in the morning oh.. And I'm pretty sure it's not the mist..

jtkl89 said...

yep, this morn it's obvious again.
NOW i know what's causing me my problems... heheh...