Wednesday, December 17, 2008

17-12-08 (Wednesday) "Washing"

Was washing the car just now when I learnt an interesting lesson.

For those of you who've washed a car or anyth in general, even dishes, the floor and shoes... You know how, when you wash sth and you miss a spot, that one small spot stands out so conspicuously amidst the cleanliness...?

I thought this was rather true in our spiritual walk as well. :) When we try to become more like Jesus, we try to wash ourselves clean from committing more sins. But ineveitably(we being the sinful humans that we are...), we end up having some sins left behind that are conspicuous in our otherwise clean lifestyle. Its those spots (sins) that others see super-clearly and not the whole, rather-clean body. So... I guess we should REALLY aim to wash away EVERYTH and not MISS any spots in us, yeah?

Accidentally read the passage for Jan 17 this morning during QT and I found it quite inspiring...
"In Christ there is no East or West,
In Him no South or North,
But one great fellowship of love
Throughout the whole wide earth."
~ Oxenham
This is why we should all NEVER EVER form cliques among our body in Christ and to love EVERYONE equally.

p.s Just started reading P.S. I Love You that I found lying in the bookshelf in my room. Gotta say, its a very heart-warming story...

"What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

~"Nothing But The Blood",
Robert Lowry and Howard Doane


Unknown said...

walaoo... you can give such a good sharing from washing cars alone. XD
anyway, i totally agree with u. so, let's continue to wash ourselves and make sure there is no more dirt there.


jtkl89 said...

now at home not using brain much so hafta keep myself using it ma. heheh... anyway... thanks 4 commenting! hehe.