In the same chapter, Jesus asked one person to spread the good news of what He had done for him(The man possessed by Legion) and another group of people (Jairus and witnesses to his daughter's resurrection) to be quiet about what He had done. Maybe it was due to their society? One being Gentile and the other Jewish?
Anyway, themanpossessedbyLegion(henceforth called Legionised) wanted to follow Jesus and be like one of His twelve disciples but Jesus asked him to stay in his city to spread the good news. This relates to our modern world in the sense that we all have a part to play in wherever we're put to be doing sth for the sake of God's kingdom. Jesus doesn't call EVERYONE to follow Him by going all over the world to spread the gospel but many a times He calls us to just preach the Good News to the people in our place! Everywhere you are is a mission field, right?
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