Wednesday, July 11, 2007

11-07-07 Because I hate you...

I just happened to read VJC's own blog and got to this interesting post on Aaron Hall. If you wanna know what happened to him, click here.

It's pure brutality what ppl do to achieve their goals nowadays. Just this morning, I read news of the Lal Masjid and all the violence that took place there. Is there ONLY violence in the world nowadays? Why do we human just INDULGE in others' pain? Why is it that accidents are the ONLY thing that makes us slow our vehicles down to poke our noses into and those courteous drivers letting drivers drive out of busy junctions only get a simple wave and the ppl behind just honk away at the 'good Samaritan'?

Why is it that when fights break out in school, 70% of the student body turn up within half a minute and 30% of the staff appear within the next half a minute but when some student helps pick up some rubbish or helps carry some kid who took a fall, everyone just turns away and stares with the "omg-look-at-that-silly-lil-kid-doing-good-stuff" look.

This attitude of ppl nowadays is the very reason why the media focuses mainly on the nasty stuff happening around us, causing great hype that last weeks on stuff like Cho Seung Hui's massacre, Altantuya's murder and China's faulty products.

I guess this is what God meant by not focusing on appreciation in this worldly realm for our reward is in heaven. Do not be dismayed at being sniggered at for picking up those Milo cups at the stadium, my brothers. Ignore the stares while you guide the old lady across the road.

I think the lack of good public transport has caused us to lose out on many possible chances of helping ppl out when walking along the streets. Stuff like giving your seat to those who need it more is no longer present when you're driving your own car or just have your own transport.

Just a chain of thoughts after reading Cosiety's post and the news. Lastly, speak up for the weak. Defend those who deserve it. Let justice continue to breathe in our world...!

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