I told myself: "This is just a one-time thingy so just do it and get over it. Don't think. Do."
... So I heavy-heartedly agreed to get a haircut at his place called 'Team Salon' and sat down on that chair I love to sit on so much... The barber chair. heheh... Anyway... It just felt different sitting there while that very professional-looking lady with nice hair(of course la... hair salon wat... Expensive one again eh...) cut at my hair... It must've been because I'M PAYING LIKE 4 TIMES MORE THAN I USUALLY PAY...!!!
This is sth new... They bring some tea and UP-TO-DATE magazines to me while I wait for the pro-lady to give me my due service... I guess the tea must've been included in the $25 too... Hmm... Should ask whether they'd cut the price if I DIDN'T drink it... (Man, I'm starting to sound like some kiasu Sgian now...)
Following that, I guess I must've been pretty satisfied with the haircut... Since I HAD to be. (Frickin' $25, okay?!!)
Took this pic after I went swimming yesterday.
What do you think? After such a PRICEY trim... I SHOULD be making full use of it so... I camwhored a bit lo. What's the cam and cam-phone around for, if not...
Some MORE cam-whoring before church this morning... In my room... That lil' pimple on my left cheek very obvious, right? Darn it... ARRRR...!!
For those of you whom I took your pics off for the previous post on cam-whoring... Do NOT take this opportunity to strike revenge on me...
"Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." ~ Romans 12:19
: D
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