Tuesday, October 12, 2010

12-10-10 (Tuesday) “For The People”

All too easily we start getting used to the people around.

This post I dedicate to the people in my life once again. IMG_3176For the company you have provided. Be it through face-to-face contact, emails, SMSes, MSN or over the phone.

For the wise counsels you have shared.

For the laughter we’ve brought to each other. IMG_2033For the sad moments that you’ve been there for me.

For the activities we’ve done together.

For the motivation and encouragement you’ve showered.

For the silly and candid moments you’ve let me catch on digital film. :PIMG_0981

For the pain that you’ve alleviated through the medicine of empathy. IMG_3147For forgiving me in my worst times.

I think I’ve included every single person in at least 1 category above. I’m sure you’ve done at least 1 of the above. Lemme knw if you really need me to jog your memory. =P

And the people in the photos are not the only people I refer to. There’re just too many people to be squeezed into a frame that no lens is ever wide enough. :)

“I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.”

- Dorothy Day

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