Sunday, April 25, 2010

25-04-10 (Sunday) "Opinions"

I've been seeing lots of getting together and calling it quits over my short period here.

Ducklings getting all lovey-dovey.
It sure can be quite a sweet scene seeing people get together but sometimes there's just that feeling that says to yourself "Nah, that is not gonna work out." and I wish I could just tell people that at times and save them all the pain and negative stuff. But... what's the point of saying such things?

Come to think of it, if I myself were to get into something and my "gut feeling" tells me "Nah, this is not gonna work out", I wouldn't even listen to myself!

From a different point of view, if I told you that s/he is worth it, you might be led into putting too much effort into something that wasn't gonna work out anyway. On the other hand, if I told you to let her/him go, I might've caused you to lose hope in a relationship that could very well have been the one you were looking for!

I'm saying this regarding relationships but in fact this kinda relates to everything we have opinions on, whether it be reviews of movies (Clash of the Titans ~ Worst movie I have watched in "3D". Barely 3D at all, Kraken is unleashed after centuries and dies within minutes. -.- Forgot to warm up ah?), a certain restaurant's menu, recently released songs, lecturers... Pretty much anything you can comment on, really.

My point? Be cautious. In what you say. Even if its a passing comment. Extra weight may be put onto your words by the other party. More than you know.

... And this is why I really mean "No comment" at times.

I hope my obsession with the ducklings isn't TOO obvious. :D

1 comment:

jocelynting said...

I like this post.
