Wednesday, April 21, 2010

21-04-10 (Wednesday) "You know things have changed..."

... When you had to think of things to do when you're free and now Facebook is always making you run late.

... When you can say whatever you want, whenever you want and not have it held against you and now you have to think through your words carefully before saying them, sometimes having to rephrase your whole thought.

... When 400 meters used to seem never ending and 42.195km is the real challenge now.

... When you used to wonder how guys can remotely like girls and every one of them make you turn your head now.

... When it would hit sub 10 degrees Celsius in mid-summer and now its still 20 degrees Celsius in the middle of autumn.

... When you woke up at 5 or 6 am just to beat the rush hour to reach school on time and now 8 am is considered insanely early to wake up for class.

... When mobile phones used to be a luxury, VGA camera phones were a VERY rich kid's toy and now 3.2 MP camera phones are the norm with smart phones starting to appear in everyone's hands.

... When there were just Power Rangers, Captain Planet and Sesame Street and now there's Man Vs Wild, How I Met Your Mother and Two and A Half Men.

... When your parents drove you everywhere and set the limits for attending any event and now you're the one with the keys (though parents still pay for the fuel) and "curfew" becomes a myth.

Life is full of changes. Many "firsts" appear along life's way every now and then. I still remember many "firsts" but I shall save that for next time.

Change can be desirable. Change can be good. But you know what? Sometimes, its good to always have a constant. And that constant is God and His Words.


Yes, I am absolutely in love with those ducklings!!

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