Wednesday, December 02, 2009

02-12-09 (Wednesday) "Chapters"

I was going through my treasure chest of memories this morning. I looked through all those cards that I received in the past.

stuff from Form 4, I think
I find it really cool how every phase of my life is like a chapter of a book, written with unerasable ink. Each chapter brought with it new twists and turns, new developments in my life. And all this under the control and within the plan of God. As each chapter ends with great memories, another one starts with a whole new dimension of unforged incidents.

Gifts and cards from Form 5
I also thought about how Galatians 6:7b is played out throughout my life. There were times when I would bless others and in return be blessed greatly... And of course there were times when I sow bitterness and be returned the same. Of course, I'd like to focus more on the positive side of things so... yeah.

I've learnt that the truth of that saying is so... smack-in-the-face! You wanna be blessed? Bless. You wanna make friends? Be friendly. You wanna be trusted? Practise integrity.

3 separate chapters.
Also, I realize that all the people and incidents along my life have inevitably shaped me into who I am right now(and STILL ARE shaping me...). And I thank God for all of them. Always.

All those tags collected along the way...

I found some primary school exercise books.
I didn't realize I knew stuff like 天有不测之风云,人有旦夕之祸福 and 座无虚席.
My goodness. I barely even know what they mean now. Heheh.

"A man reaps what he sows."
~ Galatians 6:7b
The Bible (NIV)

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