This trip was a bit of a 1st time for me not bcos of Melaka. This trip was the first time I had to bid farewell to 2 separate groups of companions almost back-to-back. First it was the pals that I've made in OCF Convention, followed by my pals from back in VH in Singapore.
Having sent them(VH pals) off by 1pm, I headed to LCCT to waste away the 6 hours to my flight. You know how when you just have so much free time, with no one to msg, no one to call, no one to chat with... Well... I just couldn't think of anyone then, at least... Anyway, what I was gonna say was that... In moments like those, one starts to think about life.
That moment being an emo moment... I recalled the times that I have wept/cried/felt sad in the past. I realize that most of them were for people. For the sake of relationships. I recall having cried back in primary school when this dear teacher moved 2 another place. Can't rmb who she is now, tho. Then there was the Youth Convention - AG Flame leaving... Then... all those camp goodbyes... Apphia... Leaving Singapore... Leaving Canberra...
Its always been concerning people. Relationships. Never about things. If there was ever, it'd be bcos that something reminded me of someone greatly.
Life IS a lot about the relationships that take place, no? That's why I really thank God for all the friends that He has blessed me with wherever I go. I especially felt that throughout this trip in West Malaysia. =)
Dunno whether u all noticed by now yet or not... Hmmm...
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