Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I've been wanting to introduce this person for a while but haven't got the time to get around to it but... Now its time:

Meet Joshua Mutongole.

He is my 2nd sponsored child under Watoto. My first month's worth of wages went to sponsor this child in Uganda for a whole year (AUD480/year). I trust that the money would be used way better on him rather than on me lavishing myself with unnecessary luxury.

Let me assure you that I am not telling you this as a means of boasting ("See how generous and caring I am?") at all. I am just throwing this challenge at you: Are you willing to sacrifice a bit of luxury for the development of another's life? Think of it this way... In Malaysia, sponsoring a kid is like RM50 a month, that's like... RM13 a week? That's RM2 a day? That's... less than half a meal, you know. You can just eat a packet less of those chips a day and you're on your way to sponsoring a child already!

"Sponsor one child only, still got millions more out there who need help. Why bother sponsoring?"

All our leaders around us and around the globe were just "one child only" once. You were that "one child" once. Why were you entitled to all that you have now and not some other kid? I believe its only fair to give that "one child only" a bit of all the blessings I've been given throughout my life, to have a chance at life. Even though it may not be a very big deal to the world, at least it made a difference to that one life.

Furthermore, many of these kids live in countries where its a sad, SAD situation because of poor governance. I trust that in building up these children in the right way, they are en route to becoming the next prime ministers, the next leaders of their nation and bringing their country to a better and brighter future. I have faith that these kids, who are given an opportunity to a cleaner life, education and all that child sponsorship provides, will make a BIG positive difference to their country in time.

Now you see why I went through all the 40-Hour Famine...

I truly believe in giving and in sponsorship. Praise God for that.

Sponsor a child, rekindle a life.

He picks up the poor from out of the dirt,
rescues the wretched who've been thrown our with the trash
seats them among the honoured guests.
A place of honour among the brightest and the best.
He gives the barren woman a home,
so that she becomes a happy mother.
~ Psalm 113: 7-9
The Bible (The Message/NLT)

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