Glorious. Absolutely. Glorious.
I. Had. No. Words. To. Describe. It.
I think there were more people at Floriade then the whole population of Canberra. =S
I should save the pics for next time, eh?
Anyway, having been here for more than half a year now, I'm starting to get used to the culture here, which in many aspects are different from our Asian/Chinese culture.
I think paisehness is overrated lo. (paiseh - [one of the definitions] the attitude of trying NOT to take too much from others be it in the form of service or goods) Many times, others actually feel better when you accept their offering of goods/services. And yet, we turn them away fearing they might think ill-ly of us.
In the process, you do not get what we need/want and the other party feels dejected having been rejected by you. -_- Lose-lose situation. How leh?
I say we should try to be less paiseh and be open to receiving from others more. can or not?
Don't so paiseh lah...
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