Saturday, September 12, 2009

12-09-09 (Saturday) "Prelims"

Was checking out the VJC website and checked out the preliminary examination timetable.

I was suddenly reminded of my own prelim period last year. I actually miss that feeling then. I didn't like it then but I came to be reminded of the post-prelim period, our "study period". It was pretty fun and enjoyable, come to think of it. Getting to sleep in, taking our time to study... ah... Bliss...

Anyways... During Bible Study last night at OCF, this thought came to me.

You know how I occasionally mention those "wow moments" that I have with God every so often, especially in the initial few months of being here? Well, I'm pretty sure we all have our moments.

Pretty flowers... =)
What I'm getting at is this... I realize that after going through the "wowness", I kinda just forget it after a while, say a day or less. Then, I have to wait for the next "wowness" to come to be "WOW-ed" by God.

I think its only right that we remember those "wow moments" constantly. Always remind yourselves of the times when God has been so wonderful and so awesome. ESPECIALLY in times of sadness and "down-ness". Recalling those "WOW-nesses" will easily bring you back to praising God in the midst of darkness. =)

On a totally different note, I'm sure most of you know of how much money is spent on national security for most nations. Apparently, if all the money in the world that has been channeled towards defense is passed on to those in extreme poverty instead, there would be no more people caught in extreme poverty. USD1.47 trillion? 1 year's expenditure alone could get rid of poverty straight away!

Oh well... I guess we'll just have to wait for the New Jerusalem to come to see the end of poverty. How awesome it would be when nations can stop worrying about their own safety but be more concerned about the survival of others!

p.s I haven't forgotten about the person I'm supposed to introduce. I'm still waiting for the right time. =)

"He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nations will not take up sword against nation. nor will they train for war anymore."
~Isaiah 2:4
The Bible

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