Daffodils!!... right?
Just a few days ago it was bright and sunny, with an absolutely comfortable temperature hovering around 20 deg C...
... Then, the wind from Central Australia decided to bring some friends of its over (desert dust) on and shrouded the whole sky, turning the clear blue sky into a blur of browniness...
... These 2 days its been raining bits here and there (note: Rain is rare in Australia. Yes. It is.)...
... And today...?
9 am: It started off bright and sunny, with the temperature seeming likely to go back to what it ought to be in spring.
10 am:Upon reaching Bruce Hall, the wind started howling mad. Temperature stayed at about 13 deg C.
Noon: I went to work, sun was still all over Canberra.
1pm: An hour into work, the wind came along again, chilling everything in the Subway display thingy without even turning the chilling unit on. Temperature dropped to 10 deg C.
2pm: The rain started.
2.10pm: Rain stopped. Sun blazed again. YAY!
2.15pm: Rain starts pouring again. -_-
2.45pm: Rain stops. Still chilly. Heads home.

Wet Uni Ave on the way back today.
*Update*5.03pm: 7 deg C outside. WHERE ARE YOU, SPRING??!?!!

Ps Margaret's cute doggy. Neo was his name, me thinks.
I'm not complaining here, really. All the while I'm thinking to myself: Funny how I'm gonna miss all this come end November and I'm back in hot and humid Malaysia. The weather is some amazing stuff here. =)

Sorry... I just found this pretty funny so I had to take a pic of it. =)
Note: Last 3 pics taken by camera on phone. Difference is pretty obvious, eh?