Tuesday, December 28, 2010

28-12-10 (Tuesday) “For readers above 18 yrs old only”

… But who are we kidding? The more restrictions there are, the more you’re inclined to cross it, right? So even if you’re NOT 18 years old, you’re still gonna read ahead. I think this probably will be of some concern to you nowadays since we all do a lot of stuff illegally, before we hit the legal age.

This is all about SEX.

It would’ve caught your attention even without me putting in capitals, right?

I’m just gonna be saying what many people have said before me. If you haven’t heard it before, I hope you ponder over it and decide its truth for yourself. If you have heard it, I hope this serves as a reminder to you.

I believe sex was made BY God. Therefore, sex was made to be good.

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it… ~ Genesis 1:28

God made it for the main purpose of reproduction. Sex was for the making of babies, of families. The problem now is that the purpose of sex has been warped. Sex has become a form of… recreation, (forgive me if this offends you but this is what it is now in my opinion.) a favourite pastime for some, if you will.

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. ~ Genesis 2:24

I believe that God made that statement regarding ALL aspects. In becoming “one flesh”, these two individuals are united physically through sex, their emotional bond is strengthened and their mental and spiritual beings are merged through marriage over time. This is where 2 Cor 6:14 comes into play but that’s for another whole entry. I think that the good feeling from sex was made by God so that two individuals would have something that strengthens their emotional bond in marriage. They would share intimacy between them. That is why a physical affair outside of marriage hurts so much. Its like your best friend shares a secret with you (that ONLY YOU get to know) and you go on  to tell another person about. (That is quite an understatement but its the closest I can think of.)

It saddens me to see how sex is portrayed by the media nowadays:

Myth 1: Sex is just part and parcel of dating/seeing someone. (“seeing someone” at more than the common level then, eh?)

Myth 2: Getting laid becomes a measuring stick of one’s popularity/hotness/desirability/attractiveness/bla bla bla…

Myth 3: Having sex regularly OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE is ONLY healthy and good for one’s being.

The sanctity of sex is jeopardized. Sex is defiled as it is brought outside of marriage, just like how fresh meat rots away as it is brought out of the freezer. IT STINKS!!!

The thing is… This defilement comes in many forms as well.

Pornography degrades sex into becoming an audio/visual entertainment for people. The joy of sex that was meant to be shared between a man and a woman is reduced to one person’s self-absorbed stimulation without the responsibilities that come with it. It is because of our selfishness that we want to get that thrill, to satisfy our own desires without involving a second party. This selfishness extends to masturbation as well. More often than not, these 2 come hand-in-hand. The worst part of these is that it infiltrates our minds and tarnishes it just like graffiti on a white wall.

Vulgarities/Obscenities with references to sex/genitals. I dunno if you noticed but most, if not all, the vulgarities involve sex and/or genitals. The interesting thing is that we all know its not something nice to say those things. That’s why its called “FOUL language”, right? So what exactly are we doing? We’re making sex and our own genitals out to be something dirty/foul/bad. But its not! God made them, remember? So how can we say that its bad? Its only because of our sin that its corrupted!

So what CAN we do about this?

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. ~ 1 Corinthians 6:18

FLEE, the Bible says! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! If we take on sexual temptation face-to-face, we usually end up the loser! (I dare say at least 90% of the time) Knowing people from the past and wise people living in the present happen to give the same advice from their own experience… I don’t doubt its truth!

I wish for you that you do not have to endure these disgusting things especially in this world controlled by the media. But if you do/have encounter(ed) it, remember that God is still ready to forgive you as long as you repent and there is still a way out of it! Look for someone you can trust to keep you accountable in this area as well! You CANNOT deal with it alone!!

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