Love is something infinitely hard to actually fully grasp hold of.

It is said that when we love someone, we wanna find out more about people. And in finding out more about people, we're supposed to end up loving them more.

One thing I'm struggling with is this. We're all flawed in some ways, whether people know it or not, right? So, when we get to know someone else deeper, we spend more time with them... We eventually see more and more of their other side that probably is hidden from normal "acquaintances", right? That would mean their image in our mind becomes tarnished. They become less likable. Most probably less lovable as well. So does that mean we end up loving them less instead?

Do you get my argument there?
For instance, the very first people we love are obviously family, right? But home is usually where all our negative traits are shown. We put on a perfect kid image outside but we hurl insults at our siblings, retaliate disrespectfully to our parents... How is it possible to even be loving someone like that? I can imagine myself being very unloved by my siblings back in the past but only making it so far on our blood relation alone. I mean... How DO you love in those circumstances?

"Love is patient, love is kind." Patience is not a strong trait of mine. Kindness.... Hmmm... To a certain extent? Still working on it though. :\

"It (Love) does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." Not envy your siblings? Friends?
"It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." Sarcasm counts as rudeness, I believe. Self-seeking... I dare say this is one of my biggest weakness! Not easily angered eh... That one already failed like umpteenth time dy. Keeps no record of wrongs. Don't think that's achieveable by own efforts.

"It always protects, always trusts..." I hurt more than I protect and I doubt people easily.
"(it) always hopes, always perseveres." This one I don't really understand.

I realize that I haven't shown my true colours to most people too. If you find me very lovable and likable (not saying that I AM, just saying "IF"), you probably only know me skin deep. Once you reach the point where you're starting to have a hard time liking me... You're probably getting there.

I'm glad that GOD is Love and we're not the ones defining it. Where would we be headed if Man is Love, eh?

I've finished reading P & P by Elisabeth Elliot. She touched on the point of how when we "fall in love" with someone, the person becomes perfect in our eyes, we just can't see any faults in the person. She ties it in with how this is good in the sense that we should view them as they would be when the day comes when s/he is transformed into the glorious body just as Christ's is when He comes again. Good point eh?

Love is easy to say but hard to put into practice.
I don't think I will be pursuing any for a while. Don't think I am capable. Yet.