What if it were jail instead?

Worse still... If he/she left this world at a young and promising age?

It pains me the same way to see my friends, who were once faithful servants of the Lord, in an intimate relationship with Him while they were still full of youth and zest, fall away from all the relationship.

After receiving so much, they opt instead to live on their own accord, leading lives in pursuit of wealth, power, fame and all that the world has to offer.
Just this other day, my classmate was talking of how nice it'd be to be working super long hours(like 20 hours a day, 6 days a week) in a job that interests her. My my... I sure hope she doesn't HAVE to go through such an ordeal in the future. Of course, there'll be the big bucks coming in, the sheer thrill of doing what you've been dreaming of all your teenhood in the beginning... Then, after a while, it dawns on one how the job just DOES not seem to fill this seemingly insignificant void in one's own soul. Jobs and money becomes an end in itself. Someday...

VJC's Sports' Day Finals later today! Triple Jump! Whoopie!
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." ~ Ecclesiates 3:11