Tuesday, August 24, 2010

24-08-10 (Tuesday) “A Spirit of Thanksgiving”

“Dear God, can You please help me with my plans for the summer?”

“Please, God. Help me concentrate while I study and help me do well for my exams.”

“Oh God, please do something in his/her life. Show him/her that You’re in control and take away all his/her suffering.”

IMG_0339 I think that sounds like the prayer pretty much all of us do everyday. I’m not saying its wrong to ask for stuff. The same way parents enjoy pampering their kids as far as they can without spoiling them nor giving them a false ideal of the world, I’m quite sure God enjoys blessing us with certain desires of our hearts too.


I just think that things would be very different if we start PRAYING differently. I think our constant prayers of request might end up clouding our vision of what God HAS been doing so far in our lives. We cross out the things that God has answered from our prayer journals then move onto the next point, praying fervently for those points thereafter!


Our parents have rightfully taught us to say,”Thank you” whenever we receive something. There’s no reason this can’t be applied to the One who gave us life, right?IMG_8506

Here’s my challenge: Change your petition-heavy prayers to GRATITUDE-heavy prayers. Start small. If you can’t give thanks for a lot, try just give thanks for 2 EXTRA things that you haven’t given thanks for regularly. The change in your prayer changes you from being focused on wanting God to fulfil more to being more aware of what He HAS helped you achieve. This doesn’t just apply to Christians. If you don’t believe in prayer, then just be grateful for 2 things that has happened today. Then another 2 tomorrow. See how your OWN perspective change.

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