As I walked to class this morning, I was a tad early so I decided to slow my pace down and have a good look around.
The clear blue skies take on a hue of grey as the rain clouds gathered…
The trinklets of rain pattering all over my jacket…
The female duck quacking away intermittently, as if shivering from the cold…
The lone magpie watching me walk by as it picked away at the ground…

I imagine how care-free life is like for those avians. Wake up when the sun rises, starting looking for food, eat their fill, attack(or threaten to, at least( the annoying humans that zoom past quickly, find a mate, fertilize eggs, fly back to nest, rest, repeat with slight adjustments to their schedule here and there…
Does sound like a good life, without having to go through all the stress and worries and frustrations we humans endure pretty much day in and day out, eh? We get one break every half or year (or every year for those of you working), they get a break pretty much their whole life!
Before you start thinking about karma and how you’d like to be a bird in the next life, consider this as well:
Remember the last exam you took, how you had to toil for a whole 2 months and (most likely) more just for the few days of exam papers? Now think of the days AFTER that. Think of the joy and the feeling of liberation upon completing the very last paper! Maybe you didn’t do too well. It just gave you greater reason to do better for the NEXT test, no?
And the trying times when a loved one had to undergo heavy medical treatment for a disease/ailment s/he did not deserve at all? If s/he hadn’t gone through that, would you have treasured her/him as much as you do now? Would you have stopped that “Nah… Its only happening over there, its not gonna happen to me.” mentality?
What about all the frustrations you had to endure with your friends? Look further down the road and you realize that it was in those hardest times that your most faithful companions could show their support! If life were ALWAYS smooth-sailing and stress-free, then we’d start getting so full of ourselves we start wondering WHY we need friends to begin with, no?
I think God is just amazing in the way He created us and how He set life out for us. Sure those birds have nothing to worry about. But it also means they have nothing much to rejoice about, right? They get their fill everyday without knowing it cos’ there’s not much suffering(maybe not the case for the birds at the Gulf of Mexico after being smeared with petrol though). We go through tears and pain and hardships but what we get out of it, especially regarding our personal growth, makes it all worth it. We just can’t see it through our teary, red eyes.
Emotions. God made it. He came down and had a go with it. Now you can’t complain that He doesn’t know what you’re going through.