I think I'd like to show some of the nice food that we had while at Sydney.
Just briefly.
Dumplings in ChinatownWe were indecisive on where to eat on the first night but thought of Chinatown so Kar Wei just brought us there and we walked and chose a shop randomly.

$18 for a big bowl of noodles in addition to about 15 dumplings/siew moi each... DEFINITELY worth it if you've been living in Aussieland long enough. The taste was pretty decent too, except the scallop-filled dumplings ,which left us wondering whether there were even ANY fillings at all. Heheh...
Moving on...
Pancakes on The RockSomewhere around Circular Quay, within walking distance of the Harbour Bridge, I think...
Okay... Now THIS one many keep saying how overrated it is back here in Canberra.

Many claim that "The Pancake Parlour" here in Civic is AS good as PoTR (Wooo... Like 'Priesthood of The Ring' or sth...) and it isn't worth having to go all the way to Sydney for some good pancakes.

This being my first time trying pancakes this way... It was absolutely delightful! Well... I had crepe, which I have no idea what it means and what makes it different from pancakes other than it being folded here and there and filled with CREAM CHEEEEEEEEEEEESE. It was STILL superb, anyway!

Maybe if I DO get a chance to try out The Pancake Parlour, I might change my mind but for now... PoTR was pretty darn out-of-this-world!
HurricaneWooooot!! Take cover! The Hurricane's a-coming!
Just opposite the famed Bondi Beach(which wasn't that big a deal, really)...
OHMEGOSH the pork ribs were CRAZY!!!!!
Full rack pork ribs! From one whole fat blob of cytoplasm here!!The lamb ribs were outshone by the pork ribs, though if on a different occasion the lamb ribs were served alone, I'd be going
ga-ga all over it.

Then there were the mussels, which were... pretty nice la. But still kicked far into the shadow of the pork ribs...!

They even made us wear these cute disposable paper bibs before we started to pig out... Excuse the pun.
Awww... Doesn't Kar Wei look cute in the bib? Or should it be the bib looks cute on her? =S She was being the responsible hostess, chopping up the ribs for all of her little bibbed guests.Service was pretty darn good too! Fast and tacky! A bowl was prepped for our leftovers as well. Some lucky dogs or other pets the workers have...

Ambience at Hurricane's was very calming, with the orang-ish hue to the whole place.
Sydney Fish MarketSome ten minutes walk out of Darling Harbour.
First of all, I just loved the presence of all the non-human beings there at the Fish Market, whether dead or alive, particularly those that were alive though...

... The seagulls!

They were EVERYWHERE...
... standing at a side observing all the people who actually paid for their food...

... perched atop our shades waiting for leftovers on tables around...

... even sitting on top of the rubbish bin waiting to be fed!
If I could understandish Gullish, I bet he's saying "Come on! I know you wanna do it! FEED ME! I DARE YOU!!!" ... Cheeky birds...But I hafta say tho... Even though we're not supposed to feed them, they really ARE the heart and soul of the SFM. (The stomach being the seafood that are served)
This lady dropped 3 pieces of POTATO chips and this whole SWARM of seagulls dove in the moment she took the next step. They freaked the guy in brown out!If there weren't these seagulls lingering around the vicinity, SFM wouldn't be SFM. It'd just be AFM. "Another Fish Market".

Oh ya... The food.

That whole box of fresh salmon sashimi for like... AUD17? And the seafood platter for 2 for AUD28? Preeeeetty darn cheap for seafood if you ask me... Oysters, calamari, scallops(can taste them one, this time...), prawns, fish fillets and fries... Nyum nyam...
Those were pretty much the main foodie places we managed to eat at. Once again, thanks to our dear hostess, Kar Wei for all the tastebud-tickling!
Yes... Some emo-ness there...Speaking of food... Good job on the prawn mee and laksa cookout at Bruce Hall last night by the OCF-ers! It was as close to home as I ever get! The whiff of the prawn-ness the moment I stepped into the dining room/kitchen left me without doubt that I was in for some awesomeness-packed food!!