Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So its day three now. I fear for my mutating cells now. The sun here is so strong you can get sunburnt by going to get groceries.

I must say though... I love the cloudless sky here today. Been looking forward to seeing this since I got here...

These pics were taken right behind my hall. See the needle thingy sticking out in the middle? Its "The Needle", the tower for Telstra.

Yes, I can take these blurred background pictures now. Yes, I can make them happen now... Hee...
Yes, not sunTANNED, sunBURNT. heheh...

This is the department of entomology behind my hall. Must be a creepy place! (intended pun)


Your love is better than life


Christine Wong said...

Lols..ur eyes...
I have a friend that just migrated there said she need to wear sunglasses everywhere... 8)

jtkl89 said...

heheh. thank God my parents got mine done back in Miri. =P