As it would be with any other camp, the church camp this time round at Selesa Resort at Port Dickson left everyone reluctant to leave. these 3 days and nights have been so meaningful, basking in the glory of God's presence and enjoying the fellowship of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
I went expectant of much to happen at this camp, since it's entitled "The Spirit-Filled Church". The speaker, Ps. Henry Madava, a Zimbabweean serving in Kiev, Ukraine spoke with great authority and truth. I felt certain that God WILL make me feel sth different this time. However, come all the times Ps. Madava asked for those who felt a touch of God, I never seemed to be one of them.
I felt rather discouraged by this. Thank God for Elena. Through her prayer for me, I decided to not let this hinder my walk with God. God doesn't talk to everyone in the same way and I believe He'll have His way with me when He thinks the time is right. It's not MY choice to make Him speak to me.
I rejoice in the words of Ps. Madava of revival coming to SEA starting from Thailand. I had no idea so much was happening around the world thanks to God. I guess it's bcos I'm too concerned of where I am all the time... I hope I'll be around long enough to see things happen around this region, starting from CMC. We all have our parts to play in making big things happen. I will from now on, become a CHAMPION for God. Will you?
I had so much red dragon fruit for breakfast this morning that as I p**ped just now, it all came out red as if I was bleeding from the back! I'm SOOoooo tempted to show the pic but... I think your imagination will have done enough damage already. (Yes, I DID take pictures...)
peeped or pooped?... anyway... the images of the seaweed-clogged toilet in KK is still vivid in my mind...aV
both. n... yea... me too! heheh...
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