For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. ~ 1 Cor 11:26
A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. ~ 1 Cor 11:28
During the Bible Study today, I think of how The Lord’s Supper is done back home. Only those who’re baptized and are above 12 years old can partake of this sacred communion. I think of the year I turned 12, of the first time I took the Holy Communion in church. All the time I was thinking: Oh yeah… I’m finally old enough to do this. Take that, you little primary school kids! Too bad you’re not old enough yet. You only get to get some ‘words of blessing’ from the pastor. It sure sucks to be you. I think it IS a good thing to have an age limit to the whole thing just so that people don’t make little of the whole sacrament but I think its not justified in that the whole point is not explained to those who do not know. I think it kinda backfired for me all the time instead, taking the Holy Communion as a ‘rite of passage’, if you will, a CHRISTIAN ‘rite of passage’ instead. I am quite ashamed of my attitude all those years.
I think it just too easy to get used to the whole gift of salvation. I don’t realize how much was sacrificed for my petty, little life. How a man who lived perfectly, without sin, had to suffer pain, persevere through embarassment, endure separation from One loved as the Self, for no logical reason but love.
Even more than that, the whole idea of God coming down to the humble that He CREATED, to walk on the dirt-paved paths, to breathe in the musky air, to come into contact with germs… The very God who created everything!! All for me! All for you!!
It IS good to remind myself of the extent of this love every time I partake of the Holy Communion, even every single day that I wake up to!
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