Sunday, September 05, 2010

06-09-10 (Monday) “Pride”

Oh why are you so common everywhere?


You make us swear at each other. You do not let us back down. Convincing us that it is HIM/HER/THEM that is/are at fault. Why should I apologize/admit I’m wrong when I clearly am not?

You make us insist that the whole thing should run according to what we planned it out to be and not following that silly, disorganized plan for this.

You make leaders treat their subordinates more like their servants, ignoring their suggestions as pish-tosh and their cries for kindness as laziness.

You make our wives submit to us because we are superior and not because we have laid down our lives sacrificially as Jesus did for the church.

You make Peace sound like a kid, resorting to childish and senseless actions in its making.


You cause us to avoid face-to-face resolutions, determined to let the other person suffer in loneliness, wrecked with guilt. You stop us from just resolving the whole issue with a simple, honest, down-to-earth conversation.

You tell us that we deserve all that glory and praise. That we’ve earned it. “All those crowns, those trophies, those certificates… Its all you. Never mind those ppl who supported you along the way. They didn’t have to go through all the toiling YOU went through.”

You tell us we’re better. Better than that guy who is struggling to form a proper sentence. Better than them who clear up the waste that we left in our wake. Better than them who have to sleep on the benches in the cold every single night.

IMG_8460 Occupied vs Available (My paparazzi skills being tested out here. :D)

You know who/what I’m talking about? I wish everyone would be able to struggle and overcome Pride. The more one denies having it, the more one has of it. The worst thing is that we don’t realize it working in us most of the time. I can say that from my own experience and perspective. *Sigh*


“There is perhaps no one of natural desires so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise it. Struggle with it. Stifle it. Mortify it as much as one pleases. It is still alive and will every now and then peep out to show itself…. Even if I could conceive that I have completely overcome it, I should probably be proud of my humility.”

~ Benjamin Franklin on his 13 virtues

(Couldn’t have put it in better words…)

1 comment:

JACKIE said...

I like the picture-occupied vs available...a lovely shot!