I've been doing a lot of thinking these last few days, to my own surprise... ... How can I repay a favour so big I can try my whole life and yet not have done enough to even deserve the favour in the first place?... ... How do I return a favour to Someone who did what He did for me before I was even in existence, before I was even a single cell?... ... How do I use my life for One who gave His life for me?... ... I can't figure out what I CAN do that's worthy enough to say that "I've repaid the favour"... ...
Steamed chicken tastes good... Yum... Being healthy is not coincidental too.
Ahhh... beautiful morning! Love walking through the divides of the shadow and the bright sun while seeing my visible breath evade me everytime I breathe out...
Paintball!!!... ... Spelt "P-A-I-N-b-a-l-l" -_- It was some costly fun and sadism but well... Another item off my "to-do" list, so well worth it. =P Beautiful clouds and skies Having endured a bit of the pain for myself after hearing about it from others, it got me thinking... Heheh... My friend said this horse looked like a donkey in this picture. =D Lovely creatures... ... how insignificant this pain was compared to the pain Jesus had to endure the whole 24 hours BEFORE being nailed to the cross. I'm talking the hours LEADING UP to the ULTIMATE pain and suffering...! All for you and me!!! Gosh... Now, THAT'S love I tell you... ... Anyway... Paintball is the closest I'll ever get to real-life battle simulation and shooting a gun, I think. So... yeaps... A good day, definitely! Eh? I thought we were supposed to have like 40+ ppl? How come there're only 24 of us? Hmmm.... ... On another note... As we grow bigger, the world seems to get smaller and smaller, no? Now, it really seems that everyone I GET to know somehow knows someone ELSE i know. So cool how we're ALL connected, no? I think Facebook is one to thank for helping us find out...
How hard is it to smile? Will this make you smile...? Would you please smile while you read this...? Please...? Just one smile? Come on... Its not THAT hard... Just give me ONE smile... There you go......
On a totally DIFFERENT note... I don't think its very ladylike to teach/ask/insist other to treat one as a lady, hmmm?
How hard is it to be salt and light of the Earth, eh? I was thinking about that after today's message by Ps Jody. She mentioned how hard it is to "love one another" as Jesus had commanded. I was wondering how we can actually be showing our love to others around, especially when they're being unlovable. Now, it occurred to me as well... I've been very, VERY unlovable many times and many have still shown love to me at times like those. I shall just emulate them then, no?
Sometimes life seems hard to bear, Full of sorrow, trouble and woe It's then I have to remember That it's in the valleys I grow.
If I always stayed on the mountain top And never experienced pain, I would never appreciate God's love And would be living in vain.
I have so much to learn And my growth is very slow, Sometimes I need the mountain tops, But it's in the valleys I grow.
I do not always understand Why things happen as they do, But I am very sure of one thing. My Lord will see me through.
My little valleys are nothing When I picture Christ on the cross He went through the valley of death; His victory was Satan's loss.
Forgive me Lord, for complaining When I'm feeling so very low. Just give me a gentle reminder That it's in the valleys I grow.
Continue to strengthen me, Lord And use my life each day To share your love with others And help them find their way.
Thank you for valleys, Lord For this one thing I know The mountain tops are glorious But it's in the valleys I grow! ~ Jane Eggleston
Just got back from OCF Sydney AR and Hillsong Conference 2009 yesterday. There's quite a bit to write about but this time I'd like to just expound on my experience at HC09. The venue: Acer Arena This being my first time going, I was sure great things were in store. Surprisingly(even for myself), I wasn't really just anticipating the songs and the band all that... But more for the teachings and rally sessions. 22,000+ ppl gathered together as a united church... Imagine heaven. Something like this crowd but only... 1 billion times bigger!! o.O *jaw drops* I thought this conference was important for me cos' I've been growing up listening to Hillsong and United, to Lakewood, Chris Tomlin... And coming to the conference has helped me see that these are real people and no longer picture them as "celebrities" nor "entertainers". I really got to witness the worshiping heart of everyone who went up on stage and to quash away all those questions on whether or not the church was just about numbers and fame. This has greatly encouraged me. There were plenty learnt from the conference but if there was sth that I had to say really stood out, it would be from the message by Joel Osteen on being a healer. I have been inspired and I have decided and I WANT to be a healer, be it in my actions or my words. Met up with De Xin from CMC and Joanne Yew from GMC, both who came from Perth Tying it in with the elective on the last day and the message of the last night rally, I'd like to share this burden with you Mr/Ms Reader...
We have too much. TOO much. Extreme poverty is defined by the World Bank as living under less than US$1.25 every day. 1.25.... How much is that in the world now with all the inflation going on? Its 2 bowls of rice in a Surabaya market with 10 cents left to spare. That 10 cents would have to cover (in our context) our utility bills, education, rent, transportation... How do you do that? And yet... There're 1.4 billion people in the world living under those conditions... That's more than half of mankind!!! It breaks my heart to know this... How come we still can never be contented with what we ALREADY have but still chase so much more? Why must we get the newest iPhone or the newest DVD movie? We have absolutely too much... There're all these organisations and foundations that do all the hard work helping the kids and societies break out of extreme poverty. All WE have to do is give a small amount every month to sponsor a kid, just a small amount of money!!! How hard is that? Let me show you some maths. iPhone 3G - A$719 iPhone 3G S - A$879 PS3 - A$536 Plasma Screen TV - A$641(22") - A$4293 (60")
Sponsoring a kid under World Vision for a year - A$516 Sponsoring a kid under Compassion for a year - A$528-648
Notice how you could sponsor one kid for a whole year AND MORE with any purchase of the 4 items listed above? And mind you, the sponsoring of kids affects the WHOLE community of the kid and not just him/herself. A whole COMMUNITY then gains access to good sanitation, proper food and education. That at the cost of what, our entertainment? I have to deal with my own lifestyle equally as much as I'm saying all this. Heck, I just realized that the lunch I had this afternoon is probably equivalent to what some survive on for 8 whole days...! That's like... 1 whole month!!
Therefore, I urge whoever you are who is reading this... Take a kind step of selflessness and sponsor a kid today. I urge especially the people from GMC in Miri and CMC in Sg. I remember i-Youth sponsoring something like 5 kids from WV a while back? Keep projects like these running...! God blessed us with so much so that we can be blessings to others!! Just RM5 or S$2 from every youth every MONTH within your fellowship group would save at LEAST 10 communities in the world... It just takes ONE to make a difference. Will you be the one? Me, Shawn, Sheng Wei, Daniel under the i-Heart banner I say this with NO INTENTION of boasting at all but wish to encourage you. I am currently sponsoring a kid from Ethiopia, Megos Kibat. I hope through faith that he will grow up to become one of the key Ethiopian leaders in 20 years time. Once I do get a job, especially if its a part time job here, I WILL give my whole first month's pay to hopefully sponsoring AT LEAST a kid for AT LEAST a year.
"I'm very poor one la, can't afford changing my handphone every 6 months" "No money la, don't go eat at that restaurant, go this fine-dine place, can?"
My perspective has been put in place. I may not be wealthy like the Hilton family or Shin Yang but I am DEFINITELY blessed and rich enough to be able to give to those that are REALLY in need.
What about you? Are you willing to give enough to make it hurt your pocket for the sake of those who're hurting physically, emotionally AND spiritually?
"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.' " ~ Matthew 25:45, The Bible
In this life I will stand Through my joy and pain Knowing there's a greater day Where the wars and violence cease All creation lives in peace ~ "You Hold Me Now" Hillsong
Thanks for reading all of this. I hope it is not JUST-ANOTHER-ENTRY.